Creatrix Arlyn Ruddy
Arlyn creates from a foundation that allows you to tangibly begin to work with your own vibratory energetics for ultimate liberation
Arlyn is an Quantum Energy Worker, and Initiated Sound Therapist that is mindfully aware of her multidimensional self: soul, oversoul, and beyond. Super-conscious of the incredible significance of innerstanding masculine and feminine energies, and the power therein, she may be considered a modern day mystic in her approach to integration and healing. Arlyn has spent 20+ years in the holistic industry, and a lifetime of spiritual seeking that led to 3 game changing energetic movements that shifted her consciousness indefinitely. Overall her sole purpose is to serve as a catalyst to humanity itself and individuals in the ascension/awakening process. It is through creating safe space, facilitating, and supporting those on their own journey of self discovery that she hopes to see ALL open up to a new paradigm of:
Sovereignty and Wholeness
Our Mission
Our mission is to take one on an inner exploration of self discovery, by unlocking the soul (an energetic signature) and connecting one to their truest form of consciousness.
Through raising awareness of one’s vibratory energetics, this vibrational sound and breath journey will initiate one’s innate self healing process through the power of resonance. This integral sound work is a contemporary healing practice that can be accompanied by a new found innerstanding of one’s personal fundamentals and overtones. The sound vibrations will seek to harmonize and balance the resonant frequencies within oneself to achieve unification of the whole body.
Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.
This can open one to clear energetic/emotional traumas and can relieve anxiety, depression, mental angst, physical pain, suffering and such...while deepening relaxation, visualization, mental focus, equanimity, creativity, body+mind regeneration, recalibration, spiritual growth, self mastery, and above all self love and compassion.