Sound+Energy+Breathwork Ceremony
This is a signature Awaken Spanda immersion, best described as an innvocative journey that will evoke somatic breakthroughs and activation within your individualized energetic signature.
The journey will guide you into deep internal exploration while activating innate self healing through toning, active breathwork, and sound. This will regenerate your bio energetic body by releasing and redirecting energy, clearing the path for divine intelligence of your primal life force energy to flow, allowing you to soar to new heights and rapidly shift your frequency into its most optimal potential.
The heart of this experience is active circular breathing that's guided with driving music and met with incredible sounds for integration. Sounds include gongs, deep crystal bowls, drum, rattles, bells, ect.
Breathwork can help one move beyond the confines of body and mind (ego/pre frontal cortex)) in order to connect with the higher Self (soul) to awaken the unconscious and attune the inner being. To tap into your inner well. This will spark action within the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of Self while generating heightened energetic awareness.
This is a transformational and miraculous journey of self discovery. Many of us would refer to as initiating our own self therapy. What you spent years in therapy addressing may be reached in just a few minutes. This very alchemical combination does wonders for the entire nervous system, allowing us to reprogram and reboot our very own energetic signature.
Please contact via email at awakenspanda@gmail.com to begin the process of booking a personal private or small group ceremony.
Things we consider upon booking this ceremony:
You will want to dress comfy and bring anything that may make you more comfy while lying down. Also I advise preparing by eating light if at all the day of and no food at least 2 hours prior to the session. As always drink lots of healthy water as the bio energetic body thrives when nourished with hydration. Beginning to eat higher frequency foods as soon as you decide to sign up may be a good idea. Listen to your inner wisdom.