What is Sound Ceremony?
In this signature sound ceremony the intent is as always to restore you to your optimal human potential through to power of sympathetic resonance. Using organic sound tools such as instruments and the quantum power of intent to ensure restored harmony withIN the body, mind, and soul.
The experience will allow you to gently and effectively explore new aspects of Self as we bring the unconscious parts of the whole energy body to the conscious mind enabling us to determine our next steps in waking reality.
We enter into this meditative state with no expectations in order to connect directly to our inner wisdom. There are many layers of benefits to this meditation as we are working with the root body, our bio energetic system. Restoration will occur down to a cellular level and assist in reprogramming the DNA. This can also help clear emotional traumas and relieve anxiety, depression, mental angst, physical pain, suffering, and such….while deepening relaxation, visualization, mental focus, equanimity, creativity, body+mind regeneration, recalibration, spiritual growth, self mastery, and above all self love and compassion. The layers of healing are endless as we address and discover our energetic nature. We are made of sound and light. And our healing is our birthright.
You will experience this intimate immersion mostly lying down so dress comfortably and bring any extra comfy things like a bolster + mat + blanket + ext. I also advise eating light the day of and no food 2 hours prior. Always be hydrated as this is how our energy body thrives and heals.